Friday 21 June 2013

When Dad says...

When Dad says…..

When Dad says  “I’ll be there in a minute!’’

He really means “I’m watching T.V I’ll be another hour’’


When Dad says “Sure you can watch your T.V show”

He really means “I’m watching my show leave me alone’’


When Dad says “Eat it all up its delicious”

He really means “It’s yuck but you need to eat it or no dessert”


When Dad says “Oh I might buy it tomorrow”
He really means “It’s too expensive I’m never buying it!”


When Dad says “You got new shoes they look lovely.”

He really means “They’re not my style and how much did they cost me?”

By Luca


  1. Nice commentary Luca and you certainly know me very well. Mark

  2. your lucky to have a dad like that Neve room 5
