Thursday, 12 December 2013
Our fun day
Dress-Up Day
On dress up day
Yasmin dressed up as a geek
Luca dressed up as herself and
Jordyn came as a Christmas tree.
Dress.up day
One girl and one boy get a prize for best dressed!!
We got to bring bring water guns for the pool.
We love our costumes because we think our costumes are creative. Isabel is a hola girl. Mia is a all black. Grade is a bunny. Cleo is a zombie prom queen. Neve is a disco queen. Isabella is a neird.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
Our puppet play is named: town animal to farm animal.
The cow is called:puddle
the pig is called:muddy
The horse is called:fluff
The bull is called: bob
The farmer is called: stu
The narrator is called:Stella
Our play is about a new animal coming to the farm and the animals already there are scared he will steal there jobs but he turns out to be really nice! The new animal is bob the bull.
For the past few weeks we have been making puppets.
We have enjoyed working together as a team.
Our puppets were amazing and here are some names:
The sheep dog is called midnight and was acted by Sammy.
The rooster is called fluffy also was acted by Sammy.
The sheep is called Shaun and was acted by Jordyn.
The pig is called John and was also acted by Jordyn.
The farmer is called farmer jinks also acted by Jordyn.
The story was about a new animal coming to the farm.
The Three Bossy Mice And The Big Bad Bull
Our play is about three bossy mice that wake a bull up and the bull makes them go home so he can go to sleep peacefully.
The new animal
we liked pernforming and making are puppets we didn't like having to re glue our puppets. Doggy woggy. Little lamby. Cow wow. Piggy wiggy.
This is our movie we made by hand and we reckon it is pretty awesome.It was also presented by three awesome people.Corban Fletcher and Thomas.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Stu Duval
Stu Duval
What I liked the best about Stu Duval was that he learnt how to draw with the letters in the alphabet. What made me laugh was the s 2 dots a prickle and a line. I felt amazed by how he made faces out of letters and numbers. In the show he also used a lot of sound effects and actions.
By Charlotte

Stu Duval
On Wednesday the 27 of November I met a person and his name was Stu Duval. He is an awesome storyteller and really cool artist. He also makes up stories that are really funny and classic. He amazed me by doing a piece of art work and it only took a minute to full the whole page! I like story’s especially his.
Stu Duval the amazing writer
Stu Duval the amazing writer
I thought Stu was funny because he used a lot of expression. I also found his pictures interesting because he used them out of numbers and letters! In his stories the sound effects and the actions were very funny. I think his drawings were outstanding.
I thought Stu was funny because he used a lot of expression. I also found his pictures interesting because he used them out of numbers and letters! In his stories the sound effects and the actions were very funny. I think his drawings were outstanding.
Stu Duval- story teller by jack
The best thing I think when he showed us s two dots a prickle and a line. At the end i just felt so giggly.I think the most hilarious part was when he was covered in cow poo poo. He made me laugh because of the actions he did.I like listening to a story teller because there are lots of different kinds of story's.
Stu Duval
Duval –Storyteller
I liked how he did funny moves in his stories.
I felt amazed because he talks funny.
He made me laugh with all his funny sound effects.
I found him hilarious with how he said that we didn’t
know the alphabet.
I didn’t like him yelling really loud it hurt my ears.
By Kylah.
Duval –Storyteller
I liked how he did funny moves in his stories.
I felt amazed because he talks funny.
He made me laugh with all his funny sound effects.
I found him hilarious with how he said that we didn’t
know the alphabet.
I didn’t like him yelling really loud it hurt my ears.
By Kylah.
Stu Duval-Story Teller\Artist
Stu Duval-Story Teller\Artist
I remember begging my mum to give me $3 for Stu Duval. Today we went to see Stu Duval and he was great fun. I loved it when he took his coat off and waved it thinking that it was a tractor but it was Big Mac. Stu Duval’s expressions and actions were hilarious. I was amazed by the faces that he drew. I thought it was cool that he gave away a free picture at the end.
I remember begging my mum to give me $3 for Stu Duval. Today we went to see Stu Duval and he was great fun. I loved it when he took his coat off and waved it thinking that it was a tractor but it was Big Mac. Stu Duval’s expressions and actions were hilarious. I was amazed by the faces that he drew. I thought it was cool that he gave away a free picture at the end.
Stu Duval
Stu Duval
He told the story with lots of expression. I liked all his funny sound effects. The story he told us made me laugh. He taught us how to make a face with a s two dots , a prickle and a line.
storyteller day!

stu duval the storyteller artist
Stu Duval
Today the whole school went to see Stu Duval in the hall. The best bit was him doing these funny faces. Stu Duval is the best artist and storyteller I’ve ever seen . He can make cartoons no matter what. He can make cartoons out of letters and numbers. that’s pretty amazing.
Stu Duval story teller
My favorite bit was when Stu Duval told us the funny story and drew a amazing picture of Santa because it was quick and really good. The part that made me laugh was when he drawed the really funny pictures. They gave the picture of Santa to room 7 because they answered 2 questions.

Stu Duval
Stu Duval-Story Teller
Yay! Today Stu Duval is here. Once we were there he showed us some funny cartoons and stories about how he learnt how to draw. He taught us how to draw one of the cartoons. It goes like this... S, Dot dot, a Prickle and a line. Then he told us an amazing story. It was hilarious. Before the story he illustrated an amazing picture of the setting of the story. My favourite part was when he told us the story.At the end he asked us questions about the story and we had to get two right to get the painting of the story. We got one question right but room 7 won it. We were disapointed because it was a really good cool picture. He was hilarious
and Really cool!

Stu Duval Storyteller
Stu Duval –Storyteller
I liked when he drew the picture using letters and numbers.
I felt amazed because he was a great drawer and storyteller.
He made me laugh when he made sound effects.
The bit that I found the funniest was when Santa got stuck in the barbed wire.
Friday, 22 November 2013
Every day on Friday we do cricket at the side field. Today we did cricket it was so fun! I learnt to cross my pinkies when I catch the ball. I also learnt to keep my arm straight when I bowled the ball.
I think cricket is a good way to get fit and I think it’s helpful because one day I might be a cricket player and I would already know what to do.
Crossing my pinkies was the most interesting because you don’t normally do it.
I don’t like standing sideways because it hurts my muscle when I stand there for a long time.
I like bowling the ball because its mind bowling.

I learnt how to bowl.
I need improve on bowling.
The good point is batting.
I think cricket is fun but boring.

Every Friday morning room 5 go to the bottom field and play cricket. I think I need to get better at bowling because I don’t pass it straight enough. I don’t like cricket because we have to sprint and I hate sprinting. When you catch the ball you have to have your pinkies cross and your hand like a cup. I like playing non-stop cricket.

Every Friday room 5 goes down to the bottom field to do Cricket. At Cricket I learnt how to bowl the ball, Hit the ball and lots more skills. I liked hitting the ball and playing non-stop Cricket. I disliked bowling because it took a lot of practice to get it right and I still don’t understand it. You have to stand side on and make your hand into a cup with your pinkies crossed and catch the ball that’s how you catch the ball. When you throw two fingers have to be on the top of the ball and your thumb has to be on the bottom of the ball. The other thing I don’t like is the Sprinting as the warm up at the start. You have to bowl the ball with power so it goes further. Cricket is fun.

Cricket Sammy
On Fridays in the Morning our class does some cricket.
In Cricket i like Batting.
In Cricket i dislike Sprinting.
Its Always Fun to try something new.

At Cricket I learnt how to bowl. I like fielding at cricket. I dislike to bowl and bat. I want to improve keeping my arm straight. I think Cricket keeps you healthy and fit. When you catch the ball you have to have your pinkes crossed. When you bowl you have to stand side on.

Isabella cricket
In cricket I got better at my bowling.
In cricket I like to bat.
But I do not like the sprinting in cricket.
I learned that in cricket you have to keep your pinkies crossed when you’re about to catch the ball.
But I need to improve my bowling.
12 . 9.13
Little Lulu licked her lollipop.
Bill and Ben bounced to bed.
Dangerous dog Danced with Dingo
Bad dog bounced to bumble bee.
Naughty Nurse nipped at mister Nurse
Sally slept on soft Sand
Billy battled with battle ships
by Oliver
Friday, 15 November 2013
Lily licked her lovely lime lollipop from her little lunchbox.
The Leopard-Like Lama limped to Lunar.

Thomas took teddy to the terrible tiny toilet.
I like pizza because it smell like delicious cookies and tastes like butterfly’s.

Thursday, 14 November 2013
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Friday, 8 November 2013
Moment in time
Moment In time = 1
I saw sparks of sunlight shaft through the deep dip of the moorland and I felt the wind rushing through my greyish white fur as though it were playing a game. As I listened to my leader speak my heart missed a beat.
Moment in time = 2
I stood frozen with fear even though the clouds were drifting lazily and calmly just above my head and my mum was smiling encouragingly at me I was still terrified. I could tell that mum was worried because worry was bouncing like waves of her face into my mind. Also I could hear the wails of the other men, women, … well you get the picture, who were skiing and riding wildly down the snowy hill
And something screamed inside my head. Suddenly againsed all my fear I slid down the mountain.
By Elle
I saw snow dashing everywere on the snowy mountain.
I heard screaming people heading down the mountain.
the wonderful veiw
I saw a fluffy white cloud drifting lazily along as I lay on my back. I felt the usual moaning breeze sweep across my face. I stood up; I wanted to see the beautiful ocean. I pulled myself up the tree. when I got to the top I was overcome with wonder. I saw an amazing sight. The sand was glittering in the gleaming sun. the waves lapped against the surface as if it was hungry.
the big slop
I felt the cold wind push dawn the mountain I landed at the bottom with woomph. I saw my mum zoom ahead flicking out snow behind her.
beyond the clouds
Beyond the clouds
I thought I would fall off the steep
Daunting drop. I crouched down and hung on to the cold damp icy ground. I Shivered on the icy volcano
I felt a shock of fear strike through my heart

I felt scared when I heard people screaming
It sounded like thunder. It felt like a strike of thunder strike therow my heart. I saw fluffy clouds and pitch with clouds
I climbed the snow no one was in line to go skiing I looked down they were all horrified when they went. It made me to scared to go so a man came up behind me and pushed me down.I scram and screamd.
deadly swamp
I was exploding in fear when I saw dead people floating around murky endless water.I felt like an endless soul floating in the midnight sky.So I roamed away and started to sprint home. When I creaped in my house.I kept on getting spokey nightmeres.
waipatiki beach
Waipatiki beach
A big wave crashed on to the beach I did not know how big the waves there where.
I dipped my toes in the sea I completely loved it so I sprinted in to the sea it felt slow because I was sprinting against the waves .
I turned around waiting for a wave ,two hours later a gigantic wave came and made me go round and round like I was in a washing machine.

snowy mountain
The snowy mountains
I felt a shiver crawl up my spine.
I heard people scream so loud I wonder if the loudness will pop my ears.
I saw the large white eye cashing mountain.
I wonder how far down it is.
snowy mountain
Snowy mountain
I saw mum waving her hand angrily as I new I had to slide down the mountain.
I felt scared as I heard people screeching like bats all around the mountain tip.
I felt nerves and excited as looked down the gigantic step slop.

the frosty mountain
The frosty mountain
I saw people skiing down the frozen mountain
I didn’t want to go down the mountain
I heard my mum waiting for me. People were screaming as they went down the slippery mountain
I felt so nervous then the wind pushed me down I was screaming

a moment in time skiing
A moment in time skiing
I saw a sparkle of light like diamonds reflect on my cold freezing face. I wondered what would happen to me when I skied down the cold frozen snowy mountain. I heard people ski down the snowy mountain screaming like wild pigs. I saw my mum dad and sister ski down the cold mountain also screaming like wild pigs. I went to the edge of the mountain. Stood there for more than a minute then I felt a breeze of wind push me wildly I screamed my breath out. When I got to the bottom I saw my mum waiting for me. I felt so proud I fell over.
by phoebe.

the snowy mountain
The Snowy Mountain
I felt the cold icy wind blow there me
I saw the ice sparkling waiting
I felt my heart racing
Georgia's frozen mountain
Lava Showdown I felt the power of lava reach my hurt and through my brain. I heard all the lava came from the background of the pro place. I wondered if I could learn the way of lava like all the others. I saw all a man buy a volcano and lava went on him he savvied I wondered if I could that but I was a beginner. I saw my sensei I was ready to begin up at the series. I saw my enemy His name was lava stopper I through my first hit at him he stopped it and killed me. I felt deep inside I got powerful like lava I killed him with my with my fire ball at him I head everyone cheered I won
Leprecon glimpse in time
I wondered what it would be like being a world saving Leprecon super hero. I felt that I was being watched as I headed back home. I saw an ugly wart face goblins club rushed towards me. I felt my magic flow threw me as I turned the ugly wart face goblin into a cheerful chipmunk.
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beyond the clouds
Beyond the clouds
I thought I would fall off the steep
Daunting drop. I croutched down and hung on to the cold damp icy ground. I Shivered on the icy volcano
I felt a shock of fear strike through my heart
The snow
The snow
I heard a rock tumbling down the snow really fast.
I felt the wind zoom past me face super-fast.
I saw the white clouds swaying around the crystal blue sky.
I felt the sharp snow balls scrap my spine in my back.
I wondered if the volcano was going to erupted and spill all over me.
The sky was so bright it made me sleepy like I was going to fall asleep.
By Kylah.

Skiing at the snowy mountain’s
As I skied half way down the pure white snowy mountain I heard a sudden but horrifying scream coming from the left side of the top of the mountain. I felt a slit shiver down my spine as I listened to the scream. I wondered if it was a scream of excitement or fear. I look up the side the mountain to see if I could see who was screaming.
By Charlotte

• I heard a noise that affected me wanting to come home all of a sudden it was a …..MOUSE. Squeak Squeak.
• I felt something that was creeping up behind me. Suddenly I felt a shiver of fear sprinting down my spine.
• I saw a dark shadowy figure in the distance of the trees.
I wonder if we will ever get home because we are having so much fun.
• I felt my nerves trying to bust out and run free.
My Sentences
•I saw the blue crystal clear sky making the fluffy clouds unnoticeable.
•I felt a huge gust of wind swim past me making it colder.
•I wondered if there were any animals.
• I heard the snow crackling in the distance.

Skiing a moment in time
As i reached the top of the white snowy mountain it reminded me of candy floss.
I heard screeches like bats from the people flying down the mountain.
I saw the ski marks on the mountain as if people were speeding out of control.
I felt my heart racing and then i noticed it skipped a beat.
I wondered what would happen if i speed out of control like those people in the past what if they broke their leg but i must of been exaggerating.
By Jordyn
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