Thursday, 12 December 2013

These are the winners and runner ups of dress up day

Today we are dressed as rockstars and a bowman.

Bodie,cam,Carlos and sam.

We all got dressed up

Our fun day

Dress-Up Day

On dress up day
Yasmin dressed up as a geek
Luca dressed up as herself and 
Jordyn came as a Christmas tree.

Dress.up day

Dress up day

Charlotte, and Amber wore random and kylah had her pj on 
One girl and one boy get a prize for best dressed!! 
We got to bring bring water guns for the pool.


We love our costumes because we think our costumes  are creative. Isabel is a hola girl. Mia is a all black. Grade is a bunny. Cleo is a zombie prom queen. Neve is a disco queen. Isabella is a neird. 

Monday, 9 December 2013

Our puppet play is named: town animal to farm animal. 
The cow is called:puddle
 the pig is called:muddy
The horse is called:fluff
The bull is called: bob
The farmer is called: stu
The narrator is called:Stella 
Our play is about a new animal coming to the farm and the animals already there are scared he will steal there jobs but he turns out to be really nice!  The new animal is bob the bull.

For the past few weeks we have been making puppets.
We have enjoyed working together as a team.
Our puppets were amazing and here are some names:
The sheep dog is called midnight and was acted by Sammy.
The rooster is called fluffy also was acted by Sammy.
The sheep is called Shaun and was acted by Jordyn.
The pig is called John and was also acted by Jordyn.
The farmer is called farmer jinks also acted by Jordyn.

The story was about a new animal coming to the farm.

The Three Bossy Mice And The Big Bad Bull

Our play is about three bossy mice that wake a bull up and the bull makes them go home so he can go to sleep peacefully.

The new animal

we liked  pernforming and making are puppets we didn't like having to re glue our puppets. Doggy woggy. Little lamby. Cow wow. Piggy wiggy. 

The farm puppets

 This is out puppets 

The wimpy ninja

Today me,tom,carlos made four puppets

Puppet plays.  
Mia and I were a bit confused 
But it worked out well  


This is our movie we made by hand and we reckon it is pretty awesome.It was also presented by three awesome people.Corban Fletcher and Thomas.