Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Outdoor Ed Week
Wait up guys I want to have some fun. Hey I’m gonna show you how to have a good time. On the best day of my life the thirteenth of March. We did some cool cooking first we did some chopping potatoes and carrot with sausage and pasta. We were ready to cook after that. We cooked with a small gas cooker. The pot was steaming. Finally it was cooked to perfection. But before we ate we made damper. First it was sticky dough , when it was cooked it was yummy and delicious.

Monday, 25 March 2013
Outdoor Ed Week
I as so excited. I was jumping up and down on my bed because it was outdoor Ed week
At Outdoor Ed week we did lots of fun activities like cooking, running and team games. But not games like tag. The games were like boggle but the letters are on the ground and you can step on them to make up words. During outdoor ed week my favourite part was cooking. At cooking we made damper and billy stew. You make billy stew with vegetables and you make damper with dough. Then you put it on a gas cooker. It was very yummy. Especially with golden syrup.
On outdoor ed week we were going to make billy stew and dampers first we got into our groups we were group five. Then we went down to room 1 we took the pots and pans. First we got the potatoes to wash them they were rock hard to cut finally we sawed through them. We did not have time to get the carrots so the carrots ran out but Miss Perry gave her carrots to us it was hard to cut up but we cut them up. Then we cut up the sausages and put them in the pan we put the potatoes carrots oxo cubes into the pot. We carried it outside and put the pot on the cooker. We got given a plastic bag of damper dough. We sat down and waited and waited for it took cook. It over flowed when cooking. When we were waiting we got some dough. We flattened it and put it on a paper towel. When the billy stew was done we got some stew in out bowls. When the damper was ready we got golden syrup and honey everywhere. It was yum.
Out Door Ed Week
Team games
‘come on moving on ‘the teacher said as everyone got up.it was the middle schools outdoor education week and we had just been cooking a delishis lunch of Billy stew and Damper and now we were doing team games. I and found the rest of the team and we were told which parent or teacher to go to. It was a parent we were to go to first group five was with us and facing us they were in everything. The challenge we were doing was to find the most words, but at the end we didn’t no the winner. In the next challenge what we were to do was that we had to cooperate lots we only had one boot and we had to get everyone across without touching the ground because it was lava! WE HAD WON!! After that we had to move on oh, I forgot to tell you about the blind fold challenge I’ll just tell you about it quickly you have a blind fold over your head so you cant see and you have to make a square with your team. Now back to the water challenge two mats to get the person across with (really comfy) mats and you have to get the person there without spilling the water .After that we went back TO THE CLASS IT WAS SO FUN.
outdoor ed week
Team games for outdoor week
Don’t spill it I was thinking when our first team games started. The very first game was you had to try not to spill a cup filled with water. My tern was coming up I tried not to spill it but I did so group 2 last because it my group. as soon as Miss Perry blew her whistle we went to the next game. When we got the paper and pen we had to find heaps of other words. The second to last game was we wore blindfolded and we had to make a square. Our one was bad. the last game was the ground is lava proof. Amber tried to piggy back me back to the end but I fell of so we lost again.
out door Ed week
Out door Ed week
Ewe sticky dough all over my hands. I couldn’t get all the little sticky bits off my hands. I couldn’t wait to eat the damper. Mmm it smells divine I was so hungry. Finally it was ready it was crunchy on the outside bit and soft in the inside. I put honey and golden syrup on it. It was sticky. The honey and golden syrup dripped all over me. It was a little bit black. It was really yummy.
Outdoor Ed Week
Mmmm that smells ok lets eat that’s not the best but its ok for a day or two. It smellet meaty stinky and it also smelled like oxo cube. I did not have any of the meat one because I am vegetarian. I had three bowls of it was really good. You put in ,vegie stock cubes, vegie sausages, carrots, potatoes, water, oil, it was not the best we used a gas cooker.it tasted salty.
Outdoor Ed week
Mmm that smells divine. that is just the damper cooking we waited a long time but then it was time to eat it. It tasted mushy and crunchy. I put golden syrup on mine. I got some down my leg.
outdoor ed week
Outdoor Ed Week
This Billy stew is yummy! The carrots were crunchy and the potatoes were hard. There was tons of spaghetti with twirls. Sausages were squishy. I and my team chopped up the sausages, potatoes and carrots. We put the spaghetti and Oxo cubes in too. It was yummy.
out door ed week
Out door Ed week
Chop ,chop, chop, I was chopping up a sausage I was so hungry . Then we were finished cutting the last sausage and got the cooker out and went out to the lunch area. When we started cooking a drill was coming down my mouth I was still so hungry. Then we finished and I scooped up some Billy Stew and put it in my bowl and ate it up so fast. Then I ate my damper and while I was eating it maple syrup run down my hand then once I was finished I ate my lunch and went to kappa haka and after that we played some games and the next day we went to White Pine Bush. When we arrived we had some morning tea and started walking. When we got in the bush there was so many plants after a little while later we saw this really big tree it was a red wood the we walked a little more and found a really big tree branch and everyone started going on it the we all went back to school.
out door ed week
Out door Ed week
It’s a macnifaste day to have Billy stew. Fist we put vegies and ozo cubes and the ozo cubes were like mud. I had to be unpassant. We had to mush the damper lightel we looked back to the Billy stew it looked like sweeter our moths started to warter but we had to go on with the Billy stew it looked sweeter our moths started to warter but we had to go on with the damper. The damper was so like clay it was so silk 2 min it was ready I had maple on my damper then we ate it.

Outdoor Ed Week
Yummy Stew I can’t wait until its ready. My team was very hungry as it boiled in the pot. We had a. It was very hot and sweaty. It was very yummy. tiny chopping board so we got left behind all the other teams. We used pots, pans and gas cookers
outdoor ed week
Outdoor Ed Week
Mmmmm that smells like it has never been made before. Our team cut up the food very small so it can fit in the pot. The food was carrots, potatoes and sausages. We put in the pot. I was getting really hungry. Then it was time to stir the pot and bring it outside. We put it on the cooker I watched the Oxo cubes melt and spread on the food. It looked delicious. I almost wanted to jump in the pot.
Out Door Ed Week
Out Door Ed Week Mmmm that damper smells delicious! I couldn't wait to eat the damper. I was watching the damper as it cooked. After a long time the damper was finally finished cooking. We took the damper out of the pan. I put golden syrup and honey all over my damper. I thought the damper was the best thing I had ever had! The golden syrup and honey was sticking all over my hands. I was so excited to have more. Because it was really really yummy!! The damper was the best yummiest thing ever.
out door Ed week
Out door Ed Week
What a exciting week I had a favourite thing was white Pine Bush we were last but when we went in you couldn’t believe you couldn’t see the sun because the branches blocked it. When we were kind of in the middle in the track Olivia had a green caterpillar on her leg! It move very funny it went right up then right down then we put it back on a leaf. The last few hours my knees got lazy then my whole body got tired. Then it got funnier we run down the log steps . Then we were all finished so we went to school it’s so exciting one day you will do it some of you have.
outdoor ed week
Damper was squishy and sticky. I couldn’t wait. Once I first tasted it it was tingling my taste buds. It was good fun. The billy stew was fun to make. My favourite ingredient was the oxo cubes.
outdoor Ed week.
Outdoor Ed
I couldn’t wait until Outdoor Ed week started. My Mum came to White Pine Bush. I liked reading the signs. There is one type of leaf that could hurt you. They are called stinging nettle. The stinging nettle was on the grass. I love white Pine Bush. So did my Mum. The people that came in the car was Charlotte, Yasmin and Georgia.
outdoor ed week
Outdoor Ed week
I couldn’t wait for Billy stew. We chopped up the scramsios food. Then we put it on the gas cooker. We took turn stirring the stew. It started to boil. Lots of crumbly smalls came out of the pan. The Oxo cubes started to melt. Then we put on the damper. I started to stuff myself. We took the damper off the gas cooker. Then we had Billy stew it was wickedly yum .
Outdoor Ed Week
Out door Ed Week
Squishy damper! It was like my hands where drowning into each other! me and my team made some damper we all brought a wooden spoon and a spoon to eat with we each reached out and grabbed some Damper. We poured some honey maple on top. Then we dug in. When I took a bite it was so yum that it soaked into my mouth. It got stuck in between my teeth but I was happy about that because when ever I licked my teeth I could still taste the flavour.
outdoor ed week
Outdoor Ed week
Wow! What a day it was.it was boiling hot. On Thursday we went to White Pine Bush. Finally we got to go down the tracks as we started we found cocoon on one of the trees. Then we carried on walking on the muddy track. We kept walking in till we found another group. They had found a big scary black spider under a rock. We went across a bridge the water was as loud as us dropping stones in the water. As we walked along the bridge we heard screaming or laughter we walked around the corner and saw people riding on a tree branch with a round thing on the end I had a go it was fun it was weird looking but I didn’t care. I had to go’s then we walked back to the car’s and went back to school. It was awesome.
outdoor Ed week
Outdoor Ed week
I couldn’t wait for outdoor Ed week because we were going to white pine bush. When we got there we all were sitting quietly waiting. In the bush it got boiling and hotter. We saw lot’s of insects and bugs. My group worked really hard together, to hear lots of birds. It was challenging to find lots of little bugs. When we all got to the end I was so tired. It was such an Adventure.
outdoor ed week
Outdoor Ed week
Tttttttt (sprinklers) aggghh the sprinklers are on. We got given a map it looked confusing. So the race started and the race was on and we were off you had to right the symbols down that was what Milly had to do. We were so energetic and advancers we speed past the other group it felt like we were rock climbing. Then the sun started to boil and I was boiling like a hot sausage too. The whole group had to show perseverance all the way. Since we did show perseverance our group were the champions. What a great day I had!
Botanical Gardens
Outdoor Ed week
Outdoor Ed week was so challenging. Friday was coming closer and closer. Finally Friday came ,it was our trip to the Botanical gardens. At last we arrived there. The grass squelched under my feet as we scrambled along. We went below squirting sprinklers and over spiky rocks. Finally we found the last cards then sprinted to the meeting place where we would get our marks. We came in second. What a day I had!
Outdoor Ed week
Outdoor Ed week
Ow ow can I please stir the Billy stew now. Mmmm I can smell the sausages .How long till we can eat five minutes. Later it was ready I couldn’t wait to eat it...Chomp I ate all of my Billy stew it was the best dish I’ve ever had. Georgia didn’t want hers so Me and Cameron had it. There was some in the pot I had that to I had an Outstanding day.
Outdoor Ed Week
Outdoor Ed week
Yay its Billy stew today. Before my team make it we had to get the right stuff. We need four sausages, two potatoes, four carrots and a couple of hand full of pasta. After we went to the lunch area and set up the gas cooker. We needed to tell Sam’s dad because Ms Perry didn`t know how to light it. When it was turned on I saw lots of little blue flames. We were not allowed to get close because then it would burn us. When the Billy stew was done the parent pored the stew into our bowls it was warm and delicious.
Outdoor Ed Week
Out Door Ed Week Mmmm that damper smells delicious! I couldn’t wait to eat the damper. I was watching the damper as it cooked. After a long time the damper was finally finished cooking. We took the damper out of the pan. I put golden syrup and honey all over my damper. I thought the damper was the best thing I had ever had! The golden syrup and honey was sticking all over my hands. I was so excited to have more. Because it was really really yummy!! The damper was the best yummiest thing ever.
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