Monday 25 March 2013

Out Door Ed Week

Team games ‘come on moving on ‘the teacher said as everyone got was the middle schools outdoor education week and we had just been cooking a delishis lunch of Billy stew and Damper and now we were doing team games. I and found the rest of the team and we were told which parent or teacher to go to. It was a parent we were to go to first group five was with us and facing us they were in everything. The challenge we were doing was to find the most words, but at the end we didn’t no the winner. In the next challenge what we were to do was that we had to cooperate lots we only had one boot and we had to get everyone across without touching the ground because it was lava! WE HAD WON!! After that we had to move on oh, I forgot to tell you about the blind fold challenge I’ll just tell you about it quickly you have a blind fold over your head so you cant see and you have to make a square with your team. Now back to the water challenge two mats to get the person across with (really comfy) mats and you have to get the person there without spilling the water .After that we went back TO THE CLASS IT WAS SO FUN.


  1. Gosh Elle you had a super time. Miss Perry

  2. Sounds fantastic Elle - I remember you telling me all about it. Do you think you could make us some damper at home? :)
